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The Prologue: from Incorporation to Launch

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Peacebuilders are always on the move. We at the RAGFP Hong Kong & Macao Chapter had already made several peacebuilding achievements before the Chapter was launched. Here are some of them:

Promoted the RAGFP to Rotary Clubs

We have promoted RAGFP to Rotary Clubs in D3450 to engage Rotarians in our peacebuilding mission; the first five Clubs include the Rotary Club of Wanchai, Rotary Club of Island Green, Rotary Club of Star Avenue, Rotary Club of Admiralty and the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (in no particular order). Consultation with Rotary Clubs, kick-off meetings and sharing sessions were also carried out.

We continue to reach out to Rotary Clubs and introduce to them the mission of RAGFP.

As of 16 October 2020, there are 30 Peacebuilder Clubs in RI District 3450 and 76 RAGFP Members; and the numbers are still growing.

Facilitated two Rotary Clubs in identifying and securing funding from the District Grant for peace projects

The Chapter has peace projects that are open to Rotary Clubs for adaptation. Our peace projects have been adapted and successfully given funding from the District Grant. Clubs looking for peace projects can visit

Incorporated the Chapter on 26th August 2020, held the first Provincial Board Meeting and appointed Officers

The incorporation of the Chapter is an important step on its peacebuilding journey. Now as a registered entity, peacebuilding activities can be organised more effectively than ever.

Currently we are working to obtain charitable organisation status under Section 88 of Cap. 112 Inland Revenue Ordinance, thereby allowing greater flexibility in our peacebuilding missions and allowing peacebuilders to support our cause.

Preparation work to set up the local RAGFP "unit" took place

Including a visit by PDG Eugene, Rotary Peace Fellow Spencer Leung and PP Mitzi to the United World College, leading to further collaborative activities for the District.

Held a Multi-District Virtual Forum

The Multi-District Virtual Forum (District 3450, District 6690) in celebration of the United Nations Day of Peace was attended by over 100 Rotarians from 17 Areas, with keynote speech by RI Director Peter Kyle, and opening remarks by DG Eric Chak of District 3450 and DG Steve Heiser of District 6690.

Took part in various training activities, including:

  • NLP Tool for Peace & Stress Management programmes

  • Non-violent Communication Workshops (6 sessions)

  • “Difficult Conversations” workshop

  • RAGFP “Mindfulness” workshops

  • Design Thinking Workshop

With the Chapter launched, there is now a framework to facilitate future peacebuilding projects. Stay tuned to join us in the latest peacebuilding activities!


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